Rad + Raw is an Indie Digital Magazine Home to Men’s Maverick & Rebellious Fashion, Lifestyle, Music & Sports. Founded by pure rebel sauce, Sadie ( Mercedes) Kromm. Our brand is made out of 5 key ingredients:

I.  Maverick (an unorthodox or independent-minded person)  II.  Acquisitive just isn’t a thing  III.  Artistry is treated as if you’re bilingual.  IV.  We are James Dean’s sons ( not literal, but he is the godfather)  V. Hockey is our ichor, our main workspace is in Toronto. It’s part of human nature.

Keeping close to RAW: Photo’s captured by us, editing/retouch are kept at a bare minimum, “taking a quiet walk with mother nature.” 

Want to catch a fika downtown Toronto or in the upper west side for our creative power lunch?

 Send us post-mail:

Need styling advice ASAP?  Tweet us: @BarberShopMen ➞  Instagram: @radandrawmagazine